SystemVerilog Cheatsheet

Table of Contents

1. Compile/Run

1.1. TL;DR

  1. cd to folder
  2. vlib work on first run
  3. vlog <filename>.sv to compile all relevant .sv files
  4. vsim <testbench-name> to run your file (usually a testbench)
  5. add wave sim:/<testbench-name>/uut/*
  6. Run your simulation using either:
    1. run <N> to run for <N> nanoseconds
    2. run -all to automatically stop testbench when completed
  7. vlog to recompile relevant modules as needed
  8. restart -f to restart your simulation

To run .tcl scripts, use source <script-name>.tcl.

1.2. Detailed Explanation:

  1. Navigate to your project directory using cd.
    The path should:
    • Use these slashes: ’/’
    • Use English characters
    • Not have any spaces (alternatively, it use quotes “”)
  2. Create a ’work’ library using the command vlib work.
    • This is supposedly mandatory.
    • Only needs to be performed while running your project for the first time.
  3. Compile your .sv files using vlog
    • If some files depend on modules from other files, You will have to compile these files first.
  4. When running testbench, recompile relevant modules as needed using vlog
    • You only need to recompile the relevant modules.
    • No need to recompile the testbench itself or any other modules.

2. Modules

2.1. Defining a module

  • Everything you write in SystemVerilog must be inside a module.
  • A module is a fundemental building block that receives inputs and generates outputs.


    Here’s an example module:

    // [a,b] -> [my_module] -> [result = (a AND b)]
    module my_module(
       // Input and Output Declaration
       input logic  a,
       input logic  b,
       output logic result);
       // Declarations of "f"
        assign result = a & b;

2.2. Creating module instances (instantiation)

2.2.1. Positional association

Define an instance of a module according to its argument positions, as such:

module_name instance_name (

2.2.2. Named association

Modules can also be instantiated using its arguments’ names explicitly:

module_name instance_name2 (

2.3. Parameters

  • Allows to pass parameters to a module per-instantiation.
  • Note: different from logic inputs and outputs.

2.3.1. Definition inside a module declaration

module some_module (
    input logic in1
    output logic out1
   parameter param1 = 1; // 1 is a default value
   parameter param1 = 2;
   parameter param1 = 3;

2.3.2. Usage when instantiating a module

A module that shifts a number left N times.

module shift_N (
    output logic [3:0] out,
    input logic [3:0] a
   parameter N = 1;
   always_comb begin
      out = a << N;

Here are some usage examples:

module multiple_shifts (
    input logic [3:0] a,
    output logic [3:0] b,
    output logic [3:0] c
   // Output a 2 shift result to b
   shift_N #(.N(2)) shift_2(.a(a), .out(b));

   // Output a 3 shift result to c
   shift_N #(.N(3)) shift_3(.a(a), .out(c));

2.3.3. Local Parameters

Store constant values inside a module. These cannot be changed or passed to an instance module.

Here’s an example:

module my_module(...);
   localparam N = 2'b11;
   localparam NUM_OF_CYCLES = 10;

2.4. Modules Inside Modules

2.4.1. Using modules inside other modules

// Mux that takes 2-bit inputs and outputs a 2-bit result
module mux2to1_2bit (
    output logic [1:0] O,
    input logic [1:0] A,
    input logic [1:0] B,
    input logic S
   // Use instances of existing 1-bit input muxes
   mux2to1_1bit mux1(.O(O[1]), .S(S), .A(A[1]), .B(B[1]));
   mux2to1_1bit mux0(.O(O[0]), .S(S), .A(A[0]), .B(B[0]));

2.4.2. Generating many module instances at once (generate)

You can use the generate command to create many module instances at once:

module mux2to1_32bit (
    output logic [31:0] O, // 32-bit output
    input logic [31:0] A, // 32-bit input A
    input logic [31:0] B, // 32-bit input B
    input logic S
   genvar i;
      for (i = 0; i < 32; i++)
         mux2to1 mux_inst(.O(O[i]), .S(S), .A(A[i]), .B(B[i]));

2.5. Concurrent assignment (השמה של ערכים מקבילים/ברי שינוי) to wires inside modules

Connect a wire to some combinatorical logic or another wire.

2.5.1. Syntax

// A simple assignment from one wire to another
module pass_same_value(
    output logic Z,
    input logic A
   assign Z = A;


// Assigning some concurring calculation to wire
module and_module (
    output logic Z,
    input logic A,
    input logic B

   assign Z = A & B;

An explicit value can also be used.

logic signal;
assign signal = 1'b0;

2.6. Procedular Blocks (הרצה סדרתית של הצהרות בתוך מודול)

2.6.1. Definition and types

All statements inside a procedural block are executed sequentially.

There are two procedural constructs in Verilog:

  • initial
  • always_comb

    We will only use initial in simulations (testbenches). For regular modules, we use always_comb.

2.6.2. alwayscomb

Executes statements in a loop. Used for combinatorical logic implementation.

Here’s a working example:

module and_module(
    output logic Z,
    input logic A,
    input logic B
   always_comb begin
      Z = A & B;

You can use conditional statements inside of a procedural block.

2.6.3. Complete assignments

Note: always_comb should NOT be used for memory elements!

  • If a signal is not assigned in a certain flow, a memory element is implicitly created to preserve the previous value.
  • Usually, this is a bug.
  • Always use complete assignments.
  1. “if” statements

    Use “else”

  2. “case” statements

    Use “default”

  3. General solution

    Use default assignments

    always_comb begin
       Q = 1'b0;
       if (sel == 1'b1) begin
          Q = A;


3. Data Types and Values

3.1. SystemVerilog Logic Values

In SystemVerilog, a bit can take the following logical values:

Logic Value Meaning
0 zero / logic low / false / ground
1 one / logic high / true / power
x not initialized or collision
z unconnected

3.2. 1-bit wires (logic)

The logic data type represents a wire (1 bit):

logic a,b,c,d,e;


3.3. Vectors

Declaration of an 8-bit logic vector:

logic [7:0] w1; //w1[7] is the MSB

Here’s how you’d describe the “selector” wires in a mux module declaration:

module mux4tol(
               output logic O,
               input logic D0,
               input logic D1,
               input logic D2,
               input logic D3,
               input logic E,
               input logic [1:0] S
   // declarations
   // description of a mux


3.3.1. Vector Operations

  • Bit select:

  • Range select:

  • Pack:

        vec = {x, y, z};
  • Unpack:

        {carry, sum} = vec[1:0];

3.3.2. Repeated Signals

A signal can be repeated \(n\) times in this manner:

vec = {16{x}} // 16 copies of x

3.3.3. A Working Example (Implementing Unsigned Extension)

logic [7:0] out;
logic [3:0] A;
out = {{4{1'b0}}, A[3:0]};

3.4. Integer Literals

Format: <width’><signed><radix> value

You can use this format to generate:

  • Multiple bit integers (<width'>)
  • Two’s complement negative numbers (<signed>)
  • Write a number in base 2,8,10 or 16 (<radix>)

3.4.1. Available number bases (<radix> values)

  • Binary (b or B)
  • Octal (o or O)
  • Decimal (d or D)
  • Hexadecimal (g or G)

3.4.2. Default settings

  • Width = 32
  • Unsigned
  • Radix = Decimal

3.4.3. Examples

  • 1'b0 - one bit, unsigned, value of zero
  • 12'hAD1 - 12 bits, unsigned, value of 0xAD1
  • 12'b1010_1101_0001 - 12 bits, unsigned, value of 0xAD1
  • 14 - defaults: 32 bits, unsigned, value of 14
  • -14 - 32 bits, signed, value of -14

3.5. Blocking and non-blocking assignment

3.5.1. Blocking assignment

Acts much like in traditional programming languages. The whole statemnt is done before control passes on to the next statement.

In always_comb, we use a blocking assigment:

logic a, in;
always_comb begin
   a = in;

3.5.2. Non-blocking assignment

Evaluates all the right-hand sides for the current time unit. Assigns the left-hand sides at the end of the procedural block.

Basically, allows behavior of a shift register.

This is how you’d implement a shift behavior between Flip-Flops:

module shifter (
    input logic in,
    input logic clk
   logic A, B, C;

    always_ff @(posedge clk) begin
       A <= in;
       B <= A;
       C <= B;


And this is what happens when you accidentally use blocking assignments instead:

module bad_shifter (
    input logic in,
    input logic clk
   logic A, B, C;

    always_ff @(posedge clk) begin
       A = in;
       B = A;
       C = B;


3.6. enum

An enum type defines a set of named values. We will use enum for FSM state declaration:

logic [7:0] out;
logic [3:0] A;
out = {{4{1'b0}}, A[3:0]};
typedef enu​m {idle_st, state1, state2} state_type;

4. Operations and Conditions

4.1. Logic Gates (built-in)

The following logic gates are available for direct instantiation:

  • and
  • or
  • not
  • xor
  • nand
  • nor
  • xnor


gateName(output, input1, <optional_input2>)

4.1.1. Example implementation of a half hadder

module HalfAdder (
    output logic S,
    output logic C,
    input logic A,
    input logic B
   xor(S, A, B);
   and(C, A, B);



4.2. Operators (built-in)

4.2.1. Bitwise Operators

  • & - bitwise AND
  • | - bitwise OR
  • ~ - bitwise NOT
  • ^ - bitwise XOR
  • ~^ / ^~ - bitwise XNOR

4.2.2. Shift

  • >> - shift right
  • << - shift left

For example,

b = 4'b1010 << 2; // b = 4'b1000
c = 4'b1010 >> 1; // b = 4'b0101

4.2.3. Operator Precedence


4.3. Logical Operators

4.3.1. Relational Operators

Operator Meaning
< Less than
<= Less than or equal to
> Greater than
>= Greater than or equal to
​=​= Equal to
!​= Not equal to

All of these return a 1-bit logical value (true/false/x)

4.3.2. Logical Operators

Used for conditions.

Operator Meaning
&& Logical AND
|| Logical OR
​! Logical NOT
  • Operands evaluated to a 1-bit value: 0 (false), 1 (true) or x
  • Result is a 1-bit value: 0 (false), 1 (true) or x.

4.3.3. Operator Precedence


4.4. Conditional Statements

Used in procedural blocks.

4.4.1. if

  1. Syntax
    if (condition1) begin
    else if (condition2) begin
    else begin
  2. A working example
    module mux (
        input logic A,
        input logic B,
        input logic sel,
        output logic Q
       always_comb begin
          if (sel == 1'b0) begin
             Q = A;
          else begin
             Q = B;

4.4.2. case

  1. Syntax
    case (<signal/expression>)
      <value1>: begin
      <value2>: begin
      default: begin
  2. A working example

    An example for mux behavior using case.

    module case_example (
        input logic A,
        input logic B,
        input logic [1:0] w,
        output logic Y
       always_comb begin
          case (w)
            2'b00: Y = A & B;
            2'b01: Y = A | B;
            2'b10: Y = A ^ B;
            default: Y = ~B;


  3. casez

    ? and z are considered as don’t cares [0,1,z]

  4. casex

    ?, x and z are considered as don’t cares [0,1,x,z]

5. Synchronous logic and assignments (alwaysff)

As opposed to always_comb, which implements an asynchronous/combinatorical block, always_ff implements a synchronous block.

You usually want to use non-blocking assignments with alwaysff.

5.1. Positive Edge (דגימה בעליית שעון)

Using posedge, you can sample a value when your clock is on a positive edge.

This is an example that uses posedge to emulate a Flip-Flop:

logic a, in;
always_ff @(posedge clk) begin
   a <= in;

5.2. Synchronous Reset

Only occurs on positive edge. This is how you implement it:

always_ff @(posedge clk) begin
   if (rst == 1'b1) begin
      <reset statement1>;
   else begin
      <sync statement2>;

5.3. Asynchronous Reset

Can occur whenever the reset entrance rises. This is how you implement it:

always_ff @(posedge clk, posedge rst) begin
   if (rst == 1'b1) begin
      <reset statement1>;
   else begin
      <sync statement2>;

5.4. Implementing a Flip-Flop with Reset

This is how you implement a

6. Finite State Machines

6.1. FSM template

module my_FSM_module (
    input logic input1,
    output logic outputN
    typedef enu​m { idle_st, start_st } sm_type;

    // Declaring signals for the next & current state
    sm_type current_state;
    sm_type next_state;

    // ...

6.2. Next state recipe for synchronous logic

// FSM synchronous procedural block
always_ff @(posedge clk, posedge rst) begin
   if (rst == 1'b1) begin
      current_state <= idle_st;
   else begin
      current_state <= next_state;


6.3. FSM - (Mealy) Asynchronous Logic

This is how you can use the current state to infer outputs and the next state:

always_comb begin
   // Default assignments
    next_state = current_state;
    output1 = 1'b0;
    outputN = 1'b0

    // Specific assignments
      case (current_state)
        idle_st: begin
           next_state = ...;
           ouput1 = ...;
           outputN = ...;
        start_st: begin
           next_state = ...;
           output1 = ...;
           outputN = ...;


6.4. FSM - (Moore) Asynchronous Logic

always_comb begin
   case (current_state)
     S0_st: begin
        next_state = S1_st;
        z = 1'b0;
     S1_st: begin
        next_state = S2_st;
        z = 1'b0;
     S2_st: begin
        next_state = S0_st;
        z = 1'b1;
     default: begin
        next_state = S0_st;
        z = 1'b0;


7. Testbench

7.1. Unit Under Test (UUT)

A testbench generates input values and checks our Unit Under Test (UUT) for its response.

The UUT in our case is our module.


7.2. Generating input values

initial begin
   data = 0;
   #50 // Wait 50ns
   data = 1;
   #30 // Wait 30ns
   data = 0;

Here’s a working example:

// _tb stands for _testbench
module HalfAdder_tb;
   // Definition of testbench input values to UUT
   logic ha_a;
   logic ha_b;
   logic ha_sum;
   logic ha_carry;

   // Instance of UUT
   HalfAdder uut(

   // Generate test input values here
     ha_a = 0;
     ha_b = 0;

     ha_a = 1;
     ha_b = 0;

     ha_a = 1;
     ha_b = 1;


7.3. Repeat Loop

Used in an initial block to repeat statements.

repeat(num_of_times) begin

7.4. Synchronous logic: Generating a Clock Signal

This is how you generate a clock signal for simulation 2:

// Start value of clock
initial begin
   Clock = 1'b0;

// Clock behavior
always begin
   #10 Clock = ~Clock;

7.5. Synchronous logic: Wait X clock cycles

Example: Waiting for 4 clock cycles

initial begin
   repeat(4) begin
      @(posedge clk);

7.6. How to Debug a FSM

  • Always add the current and next state to the waveform
  • Given the current state and the inputs, check that the next state and output are as expected
  • As always, search for x and z values and ensure they make sense

Author: Ido Merenstein

Created: 2023-06-10 Sat 04:37